Audio stories about the Stadthaus

Stadthaus Ulm

Why is the Stadthaus white? Why was the architect's design so controversial? Why are there swimming pool ladders and flying carpets in the Stadthaus? The audioguide answers these and many other questions. There is a lot to discover and learn! Let's go!

Level 0, entrance area
Flowing granite
Granite "flows" into the Stadthaus via the Münsterplatz (cathedral square). It climbs up via the stairwell, travels down, spreads across the terraces and spreads out over some of the facades outside.
Level -1
Lions whispering
500 years ago, these two lions guarded Ulm.
The colour white
For the architect of the Stadthaus, white is the most wonderful of all colours. That's why almost all his buildings are white.
The sound of the Stadthaus
Can a building have a sound? The Stadthaus can. Sometimes a great interplay of sounds and noises, architecture and music is created.
Shapes in the Stadthaus
The two central shapes in the Stadthaus are the square and the circle. It depends on how they are placed in relation to each other. Whether and how this works you can try this on the Stadthaus model (on level 2).
Level 2, small exhibition rooms
Room of silence
"The small exhibtion rooms" (Kabinett) are very quiet and small. Particularly light-sensitive or very "personal" exhibitions are shown here. Ivo Gönner was Lord Mayor of Ulm from 1992 to 2015
Level 2/3, Stair landing
A flying carpet
The central staircase is the centrepiece of the Stadthaus. The landing between levels 2 and 3 offers a view of the entire Stadthaus, the cathedral and everything that happens inside and outside.
The dispute over the Stadthaus
The design by architect Richard Meier was highly controversial among the citizens of Ulm. It even led to a referendum. Today, however, most people are enthusiastic about the Stadthaus.
A tree from Japan
The Sophora (Japanese cord tree) between the two wings of the building is very hardy.
Level 3/Terrace
Swimming pool ladders
Many staircases lead through the Stadthaus - the central staircase, spiral staircases and some that look like swimming pool ladders.
Richard Meier speaks
The American architect Richard Meier built the Stadthaus. He is one of the most important architects of our time.


Das Stadthaus hören

Idee, Konzeption und Projektleitung:

Andrea Kreuzpointner


Kristina Dumas

Thomas Scheer, rrooaarr interactive solutions, Gestaltung und Technik

Claudia Schwarz


Matthias Kessler


Jürgen Grözinger "La Onda"


Zeynep Akgün

Tommi Brem

Kemal Ülker

Texte und Sprecherinnen Deutsch (2015):

Schülerinnen der Medien-AG des Schulzentrums St. Hildegard

Annelie, Carlotta, Emilie, Franziska, Helen, Julia, Katharina, Keisha, Lara, Lena, Laura, Nikol, Paula, Raffaela, Rebecca, Rebekka, Rosanna, Sinikka,

Sprecher*innen Türkisch (2023):

Beyza, Metehan, Mustafa, Sinem

Sprecher*innen Englisch (2024)

Annabelle, Eve, Madeline, Vincent


Zeynep Akgün

Alicia Bacerra-Haug

Ivo Gönner

Andrew Harrison

Uwe Kristall

Michael McIlhone

Richard Meier

Karla Nieraad

Kemal Ülker