Stadthaus Team Reinigung
Yordanos Berhane

Yordanos Berhane from Eritrea has joined the team in February 2022. She feels a deep connection to her home country, despite her family living all over the world. Her parents still live in Asmara, but one of her brothers and one of her sisters moved to England, a second sister lives in the USA and the third moved to Switzerland. What Yordanos Berhane likes about Ulm is the, in her words, ‘untroubled’ attitude towards life. She loves the traditional art of embroidery from her home country, which she learned from her mother, with its incredibly three-dimensional and colourful patterns. This in an area where Ulm does have a deficit: The right kind of yarn is not available. And without the right yarn, the works are just not as impressive
Milenka Orsolic

Not only has Milenka Orsolic from Bosnia-Herzegovina experienced the aftermath of the war, but she also lost one of her children due to a severe illness. Today, she is a strong advocate for helping and supporting others, for example by donating blood for those who urgently need it. She also loves animals and she is a creative cook and baker.
Cornelia Lapadat

Cornelia Lapadat is a very versatile woman: At six years of age, she attended a special sports boarding school in Sibiu, Romania. She was coached by the same trainer who also trained the gold medal winner at the Olympics, Nadia Comăneci. But she didn’t like the tough competitiveness, so she decided to study electrical engineering and then cooking instead. When her husband got severely ill, she focused on nursing. In 2004, she came to Germany with her daughter, and her two sisters. Here, she moved on to being a painter, and cooked Romanian stuffed cabbage and bell peppers for the visitors of the International Danube Festival. Her biggest passion however is gardening. She enjoys helping her elderly neighbours tending to their gardens.
Antonella Giuliano

Sicilian born Antonella Giuliano came to Ulm with her parents when she was just two years old. At nineteen years old, she relocated to Sardinia to be with her husband-to-be and stayed in Italy until 2022, always keeping in touch with her large family in Ulm. She has seven siblings, a daughter, a son, and a total of 15 nieces and nephews. Antonella loves her family and cooking for them is one of her favourite things to do. She enjoys listening to rock, soul and R&B. She has a lot of respect for the sea, but her love for it is even greater. Although Ulm ‘only’ has the Danube to offer, it is still her home and the Stadthaus is becoming more and more part of that home.