Guided tours through the exhibitions
Guided tours through the exhibitions
Usually in German, English on request
Public tours (unless otherwise noted)
€ 4,- € 1,50 (children), € 0,50 (for every additional child)
Please register here or give us a call 0731 161 7700
Free admission for artcard holders
Guided tours for groups
Monday through Saturday € 70,-
Sunday and public holidays € 80,-
Students/classes € 30,- flat fee
Guided tours for groups in English or Russian including foreign language fee
Monday through Saturday € 85,-
Sunday € 95,-
Please contact T. 0731 161 7700 or
Migration - Zuhause - Erinnerung
Migration - Zuhause - Erinnerung
© M L Casteel
Öffentliche Führungen mit
Daniela Yvonne Baumann
Sonntag, 13.10., 14 Uhr
Donnerstag, 19.12., 18 Uhr
Informationen zur Ausstellung finden Sie hier.