11. November 2023 - 18. February 2024
Costume and Masquerade
Photographs by Suzanne Jongmans and Jason Gardner

Ein maskierter Mensch im Faschingskostüm und Kopftuch
"Baba" Videm, Slovenia, 2019
© Jason Gardner
Where does the masquerade end and the self begin? With Suzanne Jongmans and Jason Gardner, Costume and masquerade presents two photographic positions that explore the human desire to escape the boundaries of one’s own skin – but from two very different perspectives.

Jason Gardner

For centuries, humans have been using costumes and masquerade to define their own identity or to shape a different version of themselves – especially in what we call the ‘fifth season’, carnival, which starts on 11 November, at least here in Germany. Coincidentally, that is also when the exhibition opens. Jason Gardner’s photographs deliver the evidence, that carnival is a truly global phenomenon. The US-American photographer travelled to Brasil, Bulgaria, France, Greece, Guinea-Bissau, Italy, Macedonia, Austria, Poland, Slowenia, Spain, Trinidad, and to Switzerland and through his home turf, USA, to document the local ways of celebrating carnival.