20. March 2016 - 05. June 2016
In our day and age and in our society, a woman in men's clothing is generally accepted. A man in women's clothing will have more difficulties. In traditional societies – e.g. in Albania even to this day – a woman can lead a man's life in men's clothing if she adheres to a fixed set of rules including chastity. Pepa Hristova has been portraying these “Sworn Virgins”.
Since the 1960ies, Cross Dressing gained sociopolitical importance through the LGBT movement. Drag-Kings and Drag-Queens disrupted gender clichés and social norms the queer movement felt discriminated by. Today – in the times of Conchita Wurst – dealing with gender roles is often practised on a public stage and as a form self-presentation: online, in social networks and on television. However, gender based role reversal has a long tradition, as documented on early 20th century postcards showing male impersonators and female impersonators.
This exhibition includes photos by Annette Frick (*1957, Berlin) "Fuck Gender", Pepa Hristova (*1977 | Bulgaria) “Sworn Virgins”, Klaus G. Kohn (*1957 | Braunschweig) "Mittendrin", Hana Pesut (*1983 | Canada) "Switcheroo", Reiner Riedler (*1968, Vienna) "Conchita Wurst"; Iris Segundo (* 1986 | Madrid) "KING _ a short film", Ingo Taubhorn (*1957 | Dortmund) "Die Kleider meiner Mutter" (“My mother's clothing”) and Jon Uriarte (*1982 | Spain) "The Men Under the Influence ..." as well as some photographs from the beginning of the 20th century.
Opening: Sunday, 20 March 2016, 11am until 1pm
Project management: Wiebke Ratzeburg
Monday, 4 April 2016, 7pm
Sworn Virgins
Photographer Pepa Hristova will talk about her project and give a historical introduction of Albanian women who lead the lives of men. 4 €
Guided tours with project manager Wiebke Ratzeburg
Monday, 04.04.2016, 6:00 pm
Monday, 18.04.2016, 5:30 pm
3,50 €, children 1,50 €, further children of the family 50 cent each.
Combi-Ticket guided tour + talk at April 4: 6 €
Guided tours for groups on work days: 55 € / on Sundays and public holidays: 65 €, school classes: 30 €
Please inquire for tours by calling 0731 161 7700.+