25. February 2024 - 16. June 2024
Maziar Moradi: I become German
Opening: Saturday, February 24th, 7 p.m.

No title. Aus: Ich werde deutsch, 2008–2013
No title. From: I become German, 2008 – 2013
© Maziar Moradi
‘How can integration be accomplished?’ In times of elevated levels of forced migration, this question has become a political issue that is being discussed between the opposing poles of a culture of welcome and lockdown. Migration however is by no means a new phenomenon, but an integral part of German DNA, especially since the economic miracle. But the current debate still ignores the experience of migrants who have already been living here for a long time. The photo series ‘I become German’ by Maziar Moradi is having a closer look at the issue.

In large-format images, he recreates the experiences of people who left their home countries to start a new life in Germany, or who have been born in Germany as the children of migrant parents, and who have long been a part of German society. The opulent scenes present moments and episodes of their ‘becoming German,’ showing the adversities, personal accomplishments, and the milestones of a lengthy process. And nobody really knows when that process is complete. Moradi’s work is not so much documental but conceptual. His pictures appear like film-stills, plucked from the flow of time. What exactly happened is sometimes explained in text written by the protagonists of the stories, and sometimes the interpretation is entirely up to the observer.


Tegel. From: I become German - the Beginning. 2015 - 2016
© Maziar Moradi

These mysterious scenes are juxtaposed with a series of images that show the harsh reality of the migrant experience. ‘I become German – the beginning’ documents places where life in Germany starts for many migrants. In 2015 and 2016, Maziar Moradi photographed the buildings and housing where refugees are placed after their arrival.

The unusually objective visual language of these photos emphasises the makeshift nature and isolation of these places, which symbolise a sort of buffer zone between the old life and the new. While they exist all over Germany, they are not part of everyday life. They are synonymous to the existential situation of admission that precedes and inevitably influences the process of integration.

Marziar Moradi (*1975)

The German-Iranian photographer studied communications design with a focus on photography at

University of Applied Science Hamburg under Vincent Kohlbecher. Maziar Moradi’s artistic work is inspired by biographical experience and deals with the different facets of migration. Moradi’s photography projects have been accorded numerous awards, such as the Otto-Steinert-Preis by German Photographic Society and the award for documentary photography by Wüstenrot Stiftung.

Curator: Daniela Yvonne Baumann

Opening: Saturday, February 24th, 2024, 7 p.m.
Livestream on Stadthaus – YouTube

Guided Tours and other programs in German Language.
Guided Tours in English for groups are possible. Please call 0731-161-5500 for information.