31. March 2022 - 06. June 2022
Julia Löffler: Exotic Plant Hunters

Left: Studio shot, Ernst Haeckel, ca. 1860 - 1900. Right: 'It's a jungle', Julia Löffler, 2020 Montage: Julia Löffler
© Julia Löffler
Designer Julia Löffler noticed baffling similarities in the way people posed next to ‘exotic’ plants in the colonial era photographs and how people pose for the photos they post on social media today.
Unknown, rare, from a European point of view "exotic" plants were collected then as now as luxury goods and status symbols. Julia Löffler collected old and new photographs that correspond with each other and called the series "Exotic Plant Hunters", which today comprises around 40 pairs of pictures.

For an educational project, "exotic" plants will be integrated into the exhibition and also placed on the terraces and in a geodesic dome. They will become selfie points where visitors to the exhibition - whether individually or, for example, in a class - can pose and take pictures. Their photos will then become part of the exhibition digitally, which will grow as the exhibition progresses.

Through its staging, the exhibition will also provide an impetus to engage with colonial history.

The designer Julia Löffler is currently studying at the University of Applied Sciences in Hamburg. Her "Exotic Plant Hunters" series was also on display there as part of an online group exhibition by Prof. Aram Bartholl and design students at HAW Hamburg.

Project management: Andrea Kreuzpointner and Leonie Schmucker

The exhibition will be open from Thursday, 31 March 2022, at 10 am.

Special thanks to the BUND Group of Ulm University

For English exhibition tours, please contact us: + 731 161 7700 or @email


Wir danken herzlich für die Unterstützung / With much appreciated support by

BUND Hochschulgruppe Ulm
Botanischer Garten der Universität Ulm

"Draußen und Drinnen: Exotic Plant Hunters": Das Vermittlungsprogramm zum Projekt wird im Rahmen der Corona-Sonderförderung des Landes Baden-Württemberg zur Wiederaufnahme der Vermittlungs- und Bildungsarbeit in den nichtstaatlichen Museen gefördert / The mediation programme is supported by the State of Baden-Württemberg through the Covid-support to help restart the mediation and educational programmes
in non-state museums.

Mit Ausstellungen zum Verhältnis "Mensch & Pflanze" stimmen das Museum Ulm und das Stadthaus nun in regelmäßigen Abständen auf die Landesgartenschau 2030 ein.