30. September 2017 - 10. December 2017
Urban Wildlife
Photographs from Europe and Asia

Foto aus der Serie "Dam Herons" von Sam Hobson zeigt einen Graureiher auf dem Amsterdamer Fischmarkt
Aus der Serie "Dam Herons"
Foto: © Sam Hobson
The constructed urban environment never was a biotope exclusively for humans. Synanthropes have been around us since the beginning. Meanwhile, mostly safe from hunters, wild boars are ploughing through gardens, foxes burrow under sandpits and deer are occupying the streets. Wildlife can also be spotted in the city of Ulm – just think of the beavers in the parks of Friedrichsau!
Foto von Florian Möller zeigt eine Bache mit Frischlingen in Berlin
Bache mit Frischlingen in Berlin
Foto: © Florian Möllers

Photographer Florian Möllers documented sounders of wild boars crossing the street in Berlin, or a fox patiently waiting at a bus stop. His work has been published in National Geographic or GEO. Möllers received numerous international awards.

British photographer Sam Hobson captured grey herons sight in Amsterdam: near the town canals, at bus stops, on public squares, and at trash cans, where they gather to feast on edible leftovers. For his photo of a fox in Bristol, Hobson's home town, he received the "Wildlife Photographer of the Year"-award in 2016, in the category "Urban".

Foto von Yoko Ishii zeigt aus der Serie "Dear Deer" einen Hirsch am Drehkreuz, am Gitter steht "Hier ist der Ausgang"
Aus der Serie "Dear Deer"
Foto: © Yoko Ishii

The Japanese city of Nara has a population of 400.000 human and 1.200 animal inhabitants, the "holy deer", which unabashedly roam the city. Yoko Ishii caught them at the greengrocers' displays or on their strolls through the city. It is a very touching sight, as the animals stroll over the asphalt or peeking in shop windows. Ishii: “If I had to imagine a world without humans, it would look like this.”

Foto zeigt aus der Serie "Tokyo Parrots" von Yoshinori Mizutani einen Schwarm von wildlebenden Halsbandsittichen in Tokio.
Aus der Serie "Tokyo Parrots"
Yoshinori Mizutani

The „Tokyo Parrots“ by Japanese photographer Yoshinori Mizutani are flocks of ring-necked parakeets, descendants of pets that got away or were released, like the ones now occupying the air space of cities along the river Rhine. The sight of these flocks of birds reminds the artist of Hitchcock's “Birds”. Mizutami: "I am fascinated by these birds, because they don't belong here. But here they are.“

The Stadthaus, in collaboration with the Naturkundliches Bildungszentrum (natural history education centre), created a quiz which can be solved when visiting both locations. If you solve the Stadthaus part, you gain free entry to the exhibition at the Naturkundliches Bildungszentrum (Kornhausgasse 3, 89073 Ulm).

Project management: Dr. Raimund Kast and Annette Schellenberg